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Reflections and impact from my daily yoga journey

"Just as the seasons change and cycle, so does our personal growth. Ever changing, always in motion. Sometimes theatrical and vibrant, a shining, showy summertime display of happiness, action and achievement. Other times, a slow and quiet reflection, a winter hibernation, time for building in preparation for rebirth. Each is important, with other seasons scattered in between. So it flows."

- Me, excerpt from a yoga journal

I was introduced to yoga years ago, after an old dog had a health scare and I needed to stay active while spending time at home with him. My journey with yoga began years later, in January 2017 as a New Years resolution. A friend suggested Yoga with Adriene’s month long program “Revolution,” with daily practices to kick start the year. I love a good challenge. It takes 30 days to start a habit...isn’t that what they say? I never expected that a FREE program of YouTube videos would be the start of something so dramatically life changing. From day one to now 1,350 and counting, there is so much I have learned about myself through yoga, and the journey is ever evolving.

It makes sense, the practice of yoga goes back thousands of years, and modern interpretations allow for participation on many levels. Some will dive deep into the philosophy, the teachings and sutras, while many view it primarily as a style of exercise. Yoga is practiced all over the world and in many different styles within the modern practice. Yoga with Adriene’s Adriene Mishler makes taking the step into trying yoga or starting a yoga practice more approachable, accessible to all levels, and fun. With six, thirty day programs, free YouTube videos for any mood or occasion (literally), and a membership site with an extended collection of courses, all to practice in the comfort of home, there is a reason nearly anyone I talk to about yoga mentions Adriene. She takes a community approach, making yoga a journey shared with others around the world. With Adriene, you find a friend to provide guidance and support, to “make self love cool again.” I would recommend her videos to anyone interested in yoga as a great place to start.

Even within those first 30 days, I started to see a change in myself. I gained self-reliance through the commitment to spending time on the mat each day, even and especially on the days when it was hard to get there. As my practice continued and evolved, I noticed more confidence, self-esteem and patience in my day to day interactions. My self talk changed as I got to know a stronger, kinder voice inside my head. The focus on controlling breath and thoughtful movement -- especially through holding a challenging or uncomfortable pose, allowed me to know my body more, and that practice reflected off the mat, too. I have often been described as a positive person, whenever a difficult situation arises I am able to maintain a level head, to be a cheerleader to help uplift others and help them to reach goals or just get out of a funk. I have always had this ability, but through yoga it became a superpower.

The best part about yoga is that it has nothing to do with how strong, flexible, or energetic you are -- not at the beginning and not ever. I have heard those things described as a “side effect” of practicing yoga by Adriene and other teachers throughout the years. The actual definition of a good yogi would be someone that shows up accepting the place in which they are, acknowledging that that changes from day to day. Some days we are strong in mind and body, and other days we might be sore or emotionally bruised. Some days it is easy to find time to practice, to clear our minds and to feel the zen-like bliss when we leave the mat. The stars aligned. Other days it is going through the motions without the rewarding “glow,” because you still understand the importance of showing up. Yoga is a form of self care. You know that by moving and breathing, things will get a little better.

I want to state the obvious that being a yogi does not require practicing yoga daily or even on a set schedule like me. Even within my consecutive daily streak, there have been hour long practices, five minute practices, and everything in between. There have been days I simply sat in meditation. A yoga practice is a personal journey and is unique to each person. I think that’s one of many reasons that I love it so much.

As my practice grew, I was lucky to have so many friends and family join me on the mat. Whether it was during travels together, at a public class or event, in an at home practice, Zoom practice, or allowing me to lead a freestyle flow, sharing yoga with others is always so special to me. I love to attend public classes when I can, but the expense of drop in classes or a monthly pass at many studios keeps me from going too often. Luckily, there are many free community classes, including outdoor series in parks and discounted practices at studios that make yoga an inexpensive sport. I have also enjoyed an app called ClassPass with membership that makes access to many yoga studios and specialty gyms less expensive by using a points system.

My favorite events for yoga practice and community are weekly Beer + Yoga nights at Brew Gentlemen Brewery in Braddock, PA, near my house. Many breweries host beer and yoga events, but this series has been running for several years and is done especially well. My sister and her fiance often attend, so it is a great weeknight tradition to catch up with each other and unwind before the weekend. I love the teachers, Hallie, Becca, Mary Ellen and Kelly, all down to earth good people that care about their students and each teaching with their own unique style. I always consider breweries to be great community places and yoga and beer works so well together. This week, we joined together for a Beer + Yoga picnic at Brew Gentlemen’s Open Air outdoor space. It was the first time since March I’ve attended an in person public class, there was so much excitement in the air with everyone thankful and happy just to be together.

When I think of the last 1,350 days of yoga, my journey encompasses so many places and people and emotions. A string of events and versions of myself that continue to grow. From one day to the next yoga can serve as a form of creative expression like a dance, a way to mentally focus, to push physical endurance, or support and stretch to supplement other workouts. I like to stay active, and yoga definitely helps me to shorten recovery time by stretching tight muscles after a long hike or run. Yoga evolves along with you, whether you’re working towards tackling more challenging poses or supporting yourself through a difficult time.

I recently had a conversation with a new friend I met through my trail running club. We were talking about COVID and the brave new world we all find ourselves in currently. She is a teacher, and like so many, going through the struggles of learning to teach in a new format and work in a new way. As a former event manager, I was laid off at the start of COVID and have creatively managed to keep busy, tackling to do list items and seeking refuge in expanding my daily yoga practice with new streamed practices and inexpensive online subscriptions to local studios.

At the end of the conversation, she complimented me on my positive perspective and outlook on the situation. She said it gave her inspiration to maybe look at things a little more positively. I reminded her that just because someone faces problems with a positive mental attitude (PMA), it doesn’t mean that they aren’t processing the same emotions, struggling and facing frustration, uncertainty, fear, etc.. So much of the peace and calm I’ve found over the past months I credit back to my foundation in yoga. Hearing calming reassurance and mantras from my teachers on a daily basis, and having my own mental voice echoing those words has certainly made uncertainty feel a bit more grounded.

So, when you see me strike a tree pose in a forest, a mermaid on the rocks, an eagle, a warrior, or a dancer on a mountain top, it’s in celebration of my continuing journey. That each day whether I’m at home or traveling, in the company of friends, other yogis, or all alone, that time will be dedicated to be spent on my mat. To center, to breathe, to move and to grow.

Whether you’re a seasoned yogi that can relate to some of what I’ve said, are considering trying yoga for the first time, or even if you have no interest in trying yoga at all. I hope this sheds some light on what yoga means to me, and why I practice, although at this point I could never capture it all. I’m not trying to break any record, and I’ve lost count of my “x days of yoga” for the most part. But on this 1,350th day of practice I share this part of my story with you. Until next time, Live Wildly. Namaste.

Do you have a yoga story or journey of your own to share? Let’s start a conversation! Leave a comment or question below or on social media.

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